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Cinema History

Experimentation in Europe

While Hollywood asserted itself as the center of American film industry, the European film industry was in crisis after World War. In the period from 1914 to 1918 the production of films in many countries to a halt, which helped Hollywood to strengthen its position and become the cinematic capital of the world. At first, 1900's, the leading French filmmaker Georges Melies was, but shortly after his company Star Films "faced serious competition. One of the largest manufacturers, distributors and demonstrators filmmaking silent movies became company Pathö? brothers. Employed by this company a talented comedian Max Linder, and producer Ferdinand Zecca. Another contender Mö?liö?s - firm Gaumont "used the services of Alice Guy-Blasche, the first female director, and Viktor Zhasse, the creator of the first kinoserialov. In the series of Louis Feuillade "Fantomas" only in 1913-1914 was shot five episodes in which famous criminal Fantomas (nicknamed the "king of horror"), evade traps, placed him police commissioner Zhyuvom.


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