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The Hippocratic Oath

A few days later in the "Masters" International Film Festival in Toronto for the first time in the Americas show the film of Alexander Sokurov's "Moloch" Á?  miserable life, full of complexes of a named Adolf Hitler. As with all films of this director, "Moloch" hard, started his journey on the screens. It was not understood in Cannes, though it took the prize for the script. But more and more interest to him in the world. The difficulties of understanding are evident. For the film festival artistic act Á? . For commercial rental Á?  spectacle, which can be sold. For Sokurov Á?  this act. We're talking immediately after the departure of the Japanese film Interested. Á?  What do they think about a picture? Á?  Consider it a warning. Consider that in the picture is the scale of private life and the scale of historical investigation. I can not judge how this is true ... In Asia, know little about the history of Europe. We are powerfully divided. This division of the world is not abstract and the Humanities, and quite practical. For example, Nazism, for them a purely historical phenomenon. Á?  Yes, but at Cannes, I saw just did not want to go into the meaning of the movie. Á?  Not all. I was there a few round tables with journalists, and the understanding they have shown, Á?  a great honor for me. There were good comments about the film in the German press. And at the festival Á?  then, our picture there "by process". And me constantly tormented consciousness that his films, I I separate the people from this occupation Á?  words to produce images, meaning, the idea. As if taking part in the destruction idolized me of a harmonious world. Cinema brings global laziness. Soul, conscience, brain. Brings up a certain aristocratic traits Á?  because people are accustomed to the image begins to demand change image. And this is a surgical operation. And it means that a person has something usecheno.Znaete, in Tarkovsky on one of the characters says: he has no authority, who feel. Being engaged in visual Realizations, movies that body removes. Cuts. Sometimes Á?  grabs. And the younger people than before he went on this table, the greater the likelihood that someone from the directors the authority he would cut. It does not even visible on amputatsii.Amputatsiya Á? . This operation is unnoticeable. And only then discovered that people are already unable to feel. A very serious thing, any serious environmental problem. All the errors of our society so it begins: there is no such entity! Á?  And because you want to bring the "Moloch" in literature? Á?  Yes, the video version "Moloch" is closer to the literary form. More space, and add new episodes with Eva Braun, Magda Goebbels to, with Hitler. There will be a little different atmosphere to the picture, there will be new musical components. In short, it will attempt to change the aesthetic face painting for another image format. This is yet another artistic level. Artwork for the big screen and small Á?  two different things. In the movie version there are things that I had never done. Something did not know how to something he could not even walk. I'm in every picture, and it is a process that does not stop. The main problem for me now in a time factor. Á?  Time is the only matter with which the directors, thank God, will never be able to cope. Some people understand that it should at least respect. Others try to fight, to stand up over time, but that is the reality which can not step over. And if one day it will, then nothing good will come. Because, after all there must be something that would limit the arbitrariness of the director. Although I do not know if you can stop the shaft of the aggression of Film and Television. Á?  What can he oppose? Á?  We all have to agree on a common understanding of key terms. Arts Á? 's this? It offers us something new? Or simply repeats the same thing, because there is a moral, hygiene needs? I just think that the second Á? . Art must continually repeat the same. How tiresome it would not look. Here I am assembling a film crew and I say: Imagine that we are all in white coats, we have Á?  hospital staff. According to the Hippocratic oath, our objective Á?  cure. Not judge you. You do not do lethal injection, do not pass off bad drugs, carry out their work honestly. A judge will society and God. Will not cure the disease it will spread farther Á? . Do not understand what it can to block, Á?  next raspolzetsya. "Moloch" Á?  absolutely Medical Work. Maybe she is not so noble and lofty, maybe not so refined, but this work. I was horrifying when I see Russian Nazism. I feel an unimaginable nightmare that can come from it. How could I not try to somehow influence the course of events! Once I made a serious mistake. Moral sense. What always regretted. Age-and civil-being I could be on the side of people struggling Á?  but did not do. I was a student, seated around for dissident activities, but I have no such act has not committed. Because the thought: I have no will and stamina, there is insufficient intelligence and intelligence. It is necessary to get an education, to form a Á?  and only then ... This was a serious mistake. Maybe my whole generation, but my Á?  exactly. I am ashamed for her. I lived in Gorky, he could collect the money and go to Moscow to at least shake hands with these people, to express their solidarity, Á?  but did not. I remember: did the history department of the University and take an exam sat in front of two young teachers. They had a small receiver. I answered a question, and there is little I listened, and listened to his radio, and their faces were relieved. I got five and left happy, ask Á?  what they hear? But troops entered Czechoslovakia! Á?  answered me. And I felt nothing special. It was alarming, but not more than Á? . Unable to forgive himself for this. I do not like the modern state structure in Russia. I do not like her lack of talent for the state organization. For netalantlivost public life Á?  from top to bottom. I see ineptly organized by the local government. Completely unprofessional work in his house. I remember very well how to deal with these problems our past state Á?  Kurguzov often silly. But there they are clearly understood: this problem the state has! Now that understanding is not at all. And we're closer to the abyss. Valery Kichin
Source: : Izvestia


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