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Review to a film Holidays strict regime |
Pionerskaja Dawn Factories in the presence of holidays rigorous tearful song about the catastrophic state of the domestic я?п?пҐп?п?п°я?пЎпЁя€п°я?п° - the idea is certainly understandable, but not very reasonable. At the language and asks a very long list of complaints from a couple of dozen items - say, 'And this man, and this one, and yet they are all together, and in general, shorter guard'. However, the efficiency is approximately the same, . complain Doctor of Science in endemic tupiznu others: the, . course, . imbued with and sympathize with, . but in the end always ask the reasonable question: no, . Well, I got to do with it? "That's 'Vacation' - absolutely nothing to do with it, . and therefore have every right to shrug their shoulders as they please, . Painting Igor Zaitsev studiously pretends, . that it was not until he is no 'best films - 2', . 'Zhmurok' and other nepotrebschiny - quite a clever trick in a country, . where every third kaveenschik sincerely believes in his dzhimkerristosti, . and every other director believes, . that take comedy - it's like to capture on film agukane his small little boy, . He is such a complaisant, . how can someone not like it? "The most surprising, . that this brazen denial of reality descends 'Vacation' with it - after watching them from memory completely fading traces of a terrible beast called the Modern Russian Comedy, . The root causes of this phenomenon, you can search all you like, but the truth is offensive to the banal: 'Holidays strict regime' funny, superbly played and that is no less important, nice shot. Admit it, how often do you meet all of these qualities in a single domestic film? In part humor 'holidays' with ease will handicap any attempt chicks Maslyakova senior show off outside the nest. This film - from the rare breed of films that are on the second viewing, not only do not lose, but even a win. Because of banal jokes passed the ears because of too much laughter over the previous, . and above all else you are ready not only happy to laugh once more, . but get a sincere pleasure, . knowing, . that your neighbors in cinemas here right now, . just a couple of seconds in unison explode with laughter, . They just are not aware of this, . and you - have to date, . and from this as a particularly warm at heart. In 'vacation', . Finally, . just nice to look at the actors, . not grimace, . not put kaveenovskie miniatures (which in itself is cool, . but it is not appropriate on the big screen), . not doing an on-quick easy money, . They - on, . horror! - Played in full force, . knowing, . that this hypocrite has to be equally convincing in dramatic, . and comedy, . and generally in whatever role. This charming aspect of the film, . by the way, . can easily be used in prevention and corrections for the (no-no, . you, . no camps), . Your friends, for some strange reason you do not digest Bezrukova? Easily remedied - though the truth, . even tortures them to drag on 'holidays strict regime', . by the end of the session they will come to the only possible logical conclusion: such remarkable and versatile actors in our film industry still searching. By and large, . All of the above concerns and other performers, . including children (since, . girl, . playing Liza, . incredibly persuasive and touching in his address to the hero, "What are you stupid!"), . but the star of Sergei Bezrukov shines as a bright rest, . What is quite logical - after all the main role, . noblesse oblige. And one more thing - a very significant, , . what we sort of agreed not to whine as much in the first paragraph. "Holidays strict regime", . taken over five million coppers, . look like, . as the other ten-and fifteen millionth motion picture of the local bottling never dreamed of in the most rosy dreams, . It would seem - well, that there to shoot? An ordinary jail, far from the title of exemplary, typical of almost rural hospital, an ordinary "Pionerlager" - an old, dilapidated, unprepossessing in appearance and obviously seen better species are under Stalin. Short, . commonplace as it is - but only verbally. In fact, the picture literally radiates warmth and colors, . and every detail of the interior looks like, . if special people first two days were busy with the project, . polishing and painting, . then another three days looking for it a suitable place and put the light, . after all this, just in case a week or meditation - to, . so to speak, . object came from the most positive energy. And all this beauty looks so much better than the above-mentioned most expensive domestic productions with cardboard scenery and special effects halfpenny, . so convincing and ninety-nine percent of our "realistic Arthouse", . which often cost only a couple of times cheaper, . but looks about twenty-five times lousy, . in my head thought creeps about, . that some of Russia's kinodelam place to bunk for the theft of national assets in large-scale, . and some simply can not be on the gunshot to the profession at bay. Let there be more people like those, . who made the "Vacation strict regime" - a simple, . but beautiful, . professional, . but sincere, . gay, . but seriously - in a word, . just a great movie. Photo gallery
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help me skochat. Andrew