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The Lives of Others
Gasu Van Sant has always been characterized by a contemplative poetics - intimate sliding the camera on youthful corporal, insinuating close-ups and highly artistic boredom. For all that the director never hit the thematic sermon, which served up to his audience the ideological crusader for gay rights. As it turned out, the creator simply stayed in a slightly different genre focus. As soon as the Cannes course again and broke in favor of the desired gold from the American Academy, . issued by the court spectators 'Milk' - perhaps, . first in his filmography tape, . which causes strong feeling, . if the director changed his own sexual orientation to something more acceptable to society,
. Such films usually removed inveterate craftsmen like Ron Howard. Former voluntary abstraction here are typical of high stylization retro, . authentic person nonprofessional actors - well-shaped faces first-class stars, . meaningful Buddhist silence - important political speeches, . a constant cathartic finale - a traditional Hollywood washers cleansing tears. Watching the first in the history of American politics, . openly about their sexual preferences, . curious, . first, . Due to a great actor's work,
. Sean Penn really had the best of their roles, for which deservedly took this year's statuette. It is not hamming, no frills, no breaking comedy and did not even throw up their hands as Renata Litvinova. Actor recreates the image of a man who went against the system, very finely played desperate idealist, but at the same time, the dedicated child of democracy, which has clear objectives and methodologies for achieving them. On the other side is equally important role of Josh Brolin, who performed with photographic accuracy of Dan White - neurotic alcoholic, conservative family man and an ardent opponent Milk. Of course, the documentary chronicles are silent about whether there have been linked so extreme homophobic White with his own latent homosexuality. In any event, Van Sant, . seems, . inclines to the surprisingly logical thought, . very cleverly written to the actor in the right direction, . since the development of unpleasant, and plain-antagonist much more interesting to watch, . than the central characters. Probably, . only, . that can really annoy the film - this is some directorial liberties Van Sant, . affecting the form of presentation of pictures,
. This time it is quite uncomfortable playing semantic contrasts and drama dutom. This is logical: any talented artist, who, instead of regular impressionistic sketches instructed to draw a catchy political posters, sooner or later destined to falling into involuntary aestheticism. While playing with the campaigns, rallies and debates, the director has a slim, well-fitting, dynamic, again a great movie. Jumping up to the finale at the same contradictory arguments about the 'Tosca' by Puccini, Van Sant film only added hypocrisy. Excessive, unusual genre, time and again most at risk seek vulgarity. Throughout the rest of 'Milk' - a worthy ZHZL, an instructive excursion into the past, created for preventive purposes. Not intended to ameliorate the minority, does. Cinema as a textbook on the history - with an important air, and over two hours it monotonously chanting about the serious and important things. This picture is removed for horugvenostsev, Mayor Luzhkov and other militant hetero, knowledge of which border on ignorance. In order to remember, . that all freedoms are based on tolerance, . and finally realized the most ridiculous and, . unfortunately, . main rule of democracy: the curtain any activist of the struggle for ideological orientation always shed innocent blood.
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