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Review to a film Bedtime Stories |
Teddy syndrome Tales of the movies are almost always quite fragile structure. Sometimes, when adult uncle-directors tried to convey to the smallest artless morality, the film falling apart long before the final credits. Perhaps, in such cases the problem is not in the director's skills as such. Still be a smart storyteller for the child can only be the case when the author subtly feels his listeners. Even better - if the creator himself in the soul of a little child, . but, . frankly, . really quite exquisite rarity. Directed by Adam Shenkman - a former choreographer, . now the manufacturer romkomov, . Disney musicals and various nonsense, . seems, . not understand his audience in general, . Due to their professional skills in the art of dance, he brought in director pedantic minting of each word and gesture. However, based only on the technology and knowledge, he predictably lost the essence of its own story. It must be remembered that the phenomenon of every fairy stories, not only in terms of naive works, but in the tone of the narrative. Unfortunately, with her at the Shenkman somehow never happened. At times he slips in some places - gibber like an excited schoolboy, swallowing own jokes. It is clear conviction of the director, who believes that the main thing in the film - is to know which buttons to press. Sometimes it is really like, . In this case, the author did not have the proper skills - to feel, . and a simple desire - even a little faith in it, . that he is trying to convey. Naturally, . History, . as uncomplicated and easy as nonfat yogurt, . does not make them completely unsuitable for consumption, . Eaten it without revulsion, and a sense of false saturation in children should and can cause. However, problems of perception is reinforced around the same time, . When you realize, . the picture is replete with the standard ingredients, . and that sort of place in such family skit, . but at the same time, tasteless as it is possible, . Main 'chip' films - fictional hero nephews Adam Sandler fantastic situations that persistently materialize in the morning in real life. Ingenuity authors enough as a visual embodiment of exuberant children's imagination, and a very funny story moves in urban realities. Remembered as, . reason, . Only Goggle-eyed guinea pig with astronomically vast, . and that too must admit, . fashionable look, . which roams from one animated film in the other. Concerning the qualitative study of each of the dies, . in general, . compensated by the pleasant faces Supporting Actor, . Very well was marked already become familiar Russell Brand: This British, having a sufficient share of charisma and absolutely diabolical charm, at the moment Udelyvaet the same Sandler on all parameters. Similarly, good poskuchnevshaya Courteney Cox - as always pathologically unfunny, but surprisingly sweetly. Actually, perhaps we should not forget that 'Bedtime Stories' - is first and foremost, hard work done by a handful of professionals. However, given that the obvious purpose of this work - a rough calculation, there is something vaguely lost. As a result, the model came out family movies, though tailored on the patterns, but with annoying flaws. Filmmakers, the faith which are exclusively located in the area of magic numbers, were a priori far from the claimed subject matter. And oddly enough, such a feeling from the beginning and rejects. You can talk about for a long time that the literary value of fairy tales - exceptional ease. Also, you can argue long and that the director Shenkman sometimes deliberately confuses the notion of primitive. While that is there to think. Let the children decide for themselves. Photo gallery
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