• Director: Anastasia Popova scenario: Marina Daynovets, . Said Medvedev Producer: Andrew Klishas, . Nana Getashvili, . Said Medvedev statement: Plato Konukhov composer: Eduard Artemyev, . Mark Herman, .
Love spontaneous, illogical, immaterial. Modern science, which studies the nature of this phenomenon, discovered the fantastic changes in the brains of people in love - love suppresses feelings of fear, negative emotions and criticism. Why do people love becomes more frequent pulse, breathing? Research biologists point out that love is like a narcotic intoxication. Chemists say that we feel the love through the release of certain hormones in the blood. However, they both admit that love can not be explained only by science. The film "Mysteries of Love" as to why hundreds of people we choose one and are willing to do anything to be with the object of his passion. How is this feeling makes us in a moment so happy, and infinitely more miserable. The geography of the film - the whole world. The arguments of philosophers, . views of representatives of different faiths, . unexpected assumptions anthropologists and biochemists, . unique results of years of research will help us get closer to solving the greatest of all mysteries.