At the main hero of the film, . Sasha, . has everything: a beautiful bride, . study at a prestigious university, . good friends and talent Sasha wrote music, . but in search of poems for his music, he met on the Internet with a girl-poet, . which avoids the names and meetings, . Virtual dialogue captures the hero so that he insists on this familiarity with the interlocutor. Rendezvous with the girl turns out to be a test for Sasha and change its ideas about relationships.
funky film, the soundtrack is like the current can not find anywhere else!!.
Tatiana (tat_sh)
Movie wonderful! real life and feelings! A MUSIC FILM AWESOM !!!!!! SUPER !!!!!!! yet to download it somewhere ... found only fragments, but want all of it.. Tatiana (tat_sh)
Movie simply SUPER! Now he is one of my favorite movies! Very well selected soundtrack to the film, he пЎя?п?пЁп?пҐпҐя?п№. The problem, I can not find it anywhere.. Katherine