• Director: Tamas Sas Cast: Ivan Fene, . Patricia Kovacs, . Gabor Geber, . Tibor Gaspar, . Andrea Geneve, . Victoria Sawai scenario: Norbert Koblev Producer: Adam Niemen operator: Marton Miklauzich composer: Robert Gulya, .
David a master of his life, . pet Newspapers, . Star tabloids, . always surrounded by women, . but suddenly his wealthy girlfriend leaves him, . a publishing company is suing him for refusing to release a new book in three years, . David was in need of money. Head of the publishing company gives him an ultimatum: if he could write a book within 10 days, then get back their money and restore the reputation. Theme of the new book: "Why is today so many lonely young women?". For the first time in his life he will have to listen and understand, . they think of him a woman.