• Director: Bent Hamer Cast: Bц?rd Ove, . Espen Schoenberg, . Geeta Nerbyu, . Henny Moana, . Bjorn floebergs, . Per Jansen, . Bjarte Helmeland, . Nils Geup, . Peter Bredal scenario: Bent Hamer Producer: Kato Bach Christensen, . Karl Baumgartner operator: John Christian Rozenlyund Composer: John Eric Quida, .
The old railroad Odd Horten retires, . and suddenly begins to happen around the devil knows what: they have to spend the night under the bed a little boy, . then wear a pair of red shoes on his heels. random friend invites Hortenu ride to Oslo by car with your eyes closed, . Then suddenly in the night Horten is jumping on the ski jumping .., . How could Horten get into such an awkward position, . when he wanted to celebrate his retirement? Will Horten fly a plane? There is one certainty: Horten is the first in line to the absurd adventures and extraordinary meetings. Best Scandinavian film in recent years.