During the war in Algeria, . young lawyer Verger supports and protects the Algerian terrorist Jameel Buhired, . accused of preparing a series of explosions in the cafe: Verger seeks her release, . marry her, . and from this marriage was born two children, . Suddenly, on top of Svay career, Verger for 8 years disappear without a trace. Again there, . to, . shocking public, . over again stand up for all kinds of terrorists, . from Magdalena Kopp, . Anise Nassashe, . "Jackal" Carlos, . and ending with such a monster, . as Nazi Klaus Barbie, . nicknamed "the butcher of Lyons." Kommunist, . anti-colonialist, . right-wing extremist? What beliefs govern the moral principles Jacques Verger? Famous Barbet Schroeder plunges us into some dark sides of life of the famous "Terror's Advocate", . to reveal to us the mystery.