Tales of Middle-earth - is a chronicle of the Great War of the Ring, the war, which lasted more than one thousand years. Whoever owned the ring, got power over all living creatures, but was obliged to serve evil. Hobbit Frodo is intended to destroy the Ring. He went to c him in Mordor and Mount fiery fate, along with allies - elves, dwarves, men and hobbits. Lord of the Rings tells of the struggle between good and evil, while preserving the magic atmosphere of the classics of the genre "fantasy" - Book J. R. R. Tolkien.
The film can be called a movie of my life, because I not only love him, but I know the whole story, all the characters by heart. Besides, I am almost every day watching it in parts! I have no words!!. Ellen
yes no horseradish Nitsche you do not know about Lord of the Rings, would be better if you do not write on this site. adelya@hotmail.ru