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In spe
Kazakhstan, 1993
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"The three brothers, the eldest of whom inherited his father's greenhouse, the younger it destroys, and average their indifference provokes a loss of greenhouses, as well as its own end. Picture can be interpreted as a personal drama of a divided family, and as a symbol of the collapse of a single in the recent past of Eurasia - Soviet Union. And in the context of today's sale of historical changes and the loss of the greenhouse can be decrypted as the destruction of the social structure of the greenhouse. Thin graphic style of painting "diverting" attention from numerous philosophical leitmotifs and illusions of eastern and western culture, entirely submerging in the refined plastic, reminiscent of early Alain Resnais and simultaneously - Parajanov. And yet in the picture, despite the alarming prophecy, there is a stoic optimism that can be called religious. He is hoping for the future revival of "In Spe" is translated - "in hope". - Andrew Plakhov (Catalog KF Kinotavr-94).
Country: : Kazakhstan
Year : 1993
Duration : 87 min.
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