Action film unfolds in 1989 in Sudan. A young British officer Harry Fivershem one of the best soldiers in the British regiment. He has a loyal, respectful of his friends, his beloved homeland, and for which he is ready to shed blood. But if there is such a desire, then the opportunity to introduce myself! The officer sent to North Africa, where military operations are conducted with rebels. Here a brave warrior, seeing everything with my own eyes, begins to doubt the correctness of what is happening and left the service just before the Battle of Omdurman. Of course he is not a coward, a refusal to serve on convictions. However, his three friends and a beautiful bride that never occurred, and they send Harry a letter white feathers - a symbol of cowardice. But when they are at risk, without a doubt, Harry rushes to the rescue, disguised as an Arab, arguing that his blood is not a single drop of cowardice, and honor, love and courage - his faithful companions.